Searching for the Lost Graves of Louisiana’s Enslaved People
CCF Grassroots Exchange Fund recipient Lowlander Center is doing critical work to protect ancestral burial sites of enslaved people against the expansion of toxic petrochemical plants.

CCF’s Grassroots Exchange Fund provides community-guide rapid response grants to support grassroots environmental justice efforts. And, GXF recipient Lowlander Center is doing critical work to preserve their community while fighting big chemical companies.
Watch the full video documentary from the New York times that chronicles how the burial sites of Louisiana’s enslaved people are being crushed my petrochemical plants and the important work preserve them.
“Now the landscape is Black community… chemical plant… sugarcane field… Black community… chemical plant. It makes me very sad, but I want to preserve what’s left.”
Kathe Hambrick, local activist and co-founder of river road african american museum