California Set to Extend Eviction Protections

Our Fund for an Inclusive California aims to advance racial and economic equity by building the power of communities of color. F4ICA partner Housing Now! is doing critical work to combat California’s displacement crisis that is disproportionately impacting working class communities of color.
From a recent New York Times feature about the organization’s recent work:
“California renters teetering on the edge of homelessness may now be able to breathe a small sigh of relief as lawmakers move forward a last-minute deal extending eviction protections through Sept. 30.
‘Even though our state has reopened, hundreds of thousands of Californians are grappling with rental debt and the threat of eviction,’ said David Chiu, a State Assembly member who leads the housing and community development committee. ‘Removing eviction protections now, while billions of rent relief dollars are still available, would be a disaster and exacerbate our homelessness crisis.’”
“This timeline does not match the reality the state faces and tenants will be left out to dry”
Francisco dueñas, executive Director of housing now