Our Grants

Grantmaking focused on structural change

Common Counsel Foundation and our partners focus resources on dynamic and effective approaches to community organizing and movement building that translates into expanded community power and capacity to advance policy change and other forms of structural change.

Who we fund

The organizations we and our funding partners support are led by communities that have been excluded and pushed to the margins by systems of oppression – all organizing to build their power.
Our Nonprofit Partnerships

Common Counsel Foundation partners with nonprofits and community leaders that are accountable to their people. Seventy-five percent of our nonprofit partners are majority people of color, with 50% led by people of color and people with direct connection to their work.

In giving, especially in times of crisis, how we do it matters. General operating support accounts for 80% of our grants, with the remaining 20% of grants going to support capacity building or programs. This practice of trusting the expertise of community leaders, being directed by their vision and on-the-ground experiences is at the heart of our work and how we show up.

Member funds

Funds held at Common Counsel Foundation engage in both proactive and responsive grantmaking cycles. Click the “+” for more information about the funds and families that have open cycles.

Abelard Foundation West

Abelard is a family foundation with a 50-year history of progressive grant-making. The Foundation is committed to supporting grassroots social change organizations that engage in community organizing which:

  • Utilizes membership or grassroots participation to represent the interests of communities in which they are based.
  • Expands community control over economic, social and environmental decisions affecting the community’s well-being.
  • Builds a strong informed voice on public policy issues.
Grantmaking Information

Common Counsel Foundation is not accepting applications for Abelard Foundation’s western grant program. Organizations based in eastern states (east of the Mississippi River) should visit the website for the Foundation’s eastern office.

Grant programs

Common Counsel Foundation facilitates grants to grassroots organizing groups and other change efforts that are part of broader intersectional movements for social justice.

Grassroots Exchange Fund (GXF)

A community-guided rapid response small grants program established to build bridges between grassroots social and environmental justice organizations throughout the United States. GXF grants help community-based organizations to engage in collaborative campaigns, strengthen key cross-region and cross-sector movements, and participate in organizing and technical assistance trainings. GXF has an open application process for qualifying organizations.

The Grassroots Exchange Fund has paused in 2024 and will resume in 2025.

Fund for an Inclusive California

The Fund for an Inclusive California is a collaborative funding initiative co-designed with grassroots leaders to advance racial and economic equity by building the power of communities of color to achieve housing justice.

Anchored in a power-building framework, we focus on investing in the leadership of communities directly affected by unjust and racist housing policies, so that they may harness their individual and collective power to ensure that all people regardless of income have a safe, healthy, affordable, and stable place to call home.

Community Ownership for Community Power Fund

A bold philanthropic initiative that brings together community power building organizations and the expansive funder ecosystem to address inequitable funding system for community ownership of real estate, land, and housing in California.

Through the COCP Fund, we will grow the capacity of community ownership groups to acquire, govern, and maintain their own community spaces as well spearhead the creation of an integrated capital acquisition fund of at least $100 million, the state’s first to be governed directly by communities.

Still We Rise Fund

As conditions rapidly change in the current political environment, the Still We Rise Fund’s goals are to facilitate, scale and accelerate the delivery of responsive funding to a diverse range of membership-led, community-based organizations that are organizing in vulnerable communities across the country (e.g. immigrant, Black, Arab and Muslim, Native-American, women, working-class, LGBTQ people, and environmental justice communities). Deadlines are on a monthly cycle.

What makes Still We Rise unique:

  • Community-Informed Grantmaking – grassroots leaders inform the grantmaking process, priorities, and decisions
  • Responsive, Flexible Funding – grant awards can be quickly deployed to support ongoing and planned efforts, with grants reviewed and deployed on a weekly basis
  • Streamlined Proposal/Reporting Requirements – minimizing the proposal and reporting process to maximize the impact of funding dollars

The Still We Rise Fund is currently not accepting applications.


More Grantmaking Resources

Information about our grantmaking guidelines, timelines and portal

About our open cycle programs


Each of our grantmaking programs have their own guidelines, and not all are open cycle.

Common Counsel Foundation member funds that have an open letter of inquiry process have deadlines on January 15 and June 15 of each year.

More information about active grant processes can be found at our grant portal.

Log into the grant system portal


If you are a current nonprofit partner, log in to the portal to get information about active grant timelines and reports.

Access the grant portal here. 

For information about the portal, your grant or other questions, please contact us by email at [email protected]

The beauty of working with Common Counsel is that the staff manages to serve the interests of all three generations of our family. They have helped us to design a grantmaking program that reflects both the common values and our unique concerns. Common Counsel connects us to each organization we fund through excellent research and first-hand reports from site visits. It also gratifies us to know that through collaboration with other members of the Foundation, we can often reach organizations that wouldn’t be possible if we stood alone.

Abelard Foundation Trustee
Lincoln, MA
